Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Juice Fast Day 5 - The Grind

Yes, my coworkers still think I'm crazy.

Today was day one of "take your juice to work day." After yesterday's experiment of juice mass production, it became clear that I might not be able to make enough juice in a single session to last the full day. When I was juicing at home, I'd make 3-4 full batches, but honestly the amount of produce needed to make 2 batches (about half a gallon) has been simply staggering.

I did my best, filling a large mason jar and still having enough for a breakfast batch. I supplemented it with a 32 ounce beet-and-carrot juice from Whole Foods for lunch, and I think with the dinner juice I made this evening I should be on par for my calorie intake. If I'm counting correctly, here was my intake for the day:

12 carrots
1 bunch of kale
2 handfuls of spinach
3 beets
3 apples
2 pears
2 lemons
10 stalks of celery
6 small cucumbers
A good deal of ginger

Seeing as I killed the kale and ginger today, tomorrow's batch will be interesting.

I did my best to pace my juice at work, but I still found my stomach growling something fierce by the end of the day around 6pm. Tomorrow I'll bring more, but I'll have to hit the store for more veggies at the rate I'm going. The folks at Costco must think I'm a salad-bar junkie.

What was most interesting was just earlier this evening. For some reason around 10pm I got this incredible craving for carbs. Pasta, breads, and other baked goods were filling my mind and I haven't the slightest idea why. I wasn't hungry, in fact I'd had quite a bit of juice very recently. I think maybe my body is starting to realize it's not going to get what it's used to. Jeeze, only took the better part of a week.

I will admit that I was surprisingly focused at work and got a good deal done even though I had not eaten solid food in 4 days. I'm not going to write into the Juice Lover's Association with my success story just yet. I'm pretty sure the juice fast wasn't as helpful to my productivity as a 4 day weekend. I am at least hoping the juice helped though, if for no reason other than keeping my sugar balanced and relieving my mind of the burden of deciding where to eat lunch. Plus I sat with my coworkers as they ate, chatted about food, and even brought cookies to the office (she forgot I was doing this, at least I think she did) and managed to keep to not be bothered. Looks like the small-scale tests paid off.

My goal for tomorrow will be to make my juices more veggie-centric. Even though the portly old man at the juice bar assured me that I shouldn't be worried about the amount of sugar coming from raw produce, I do think I would get more benefit from more veggies. Except for carrots. I've had more carrots in the past week than a goddam rabbit.

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