The second day brought a bit more challenge than the first day. Not challenge in the sense that I was tempted by food (since I live in America, I'm always tempted by food) but more along the line of physical challenge. I had one cup of black tea, Lady Grey, this morning. By mid-afternoon my body was punishing me for forsaking the black gold I usually drink quite regularly.
The real challenge will be tomorrow, when I am unattended for the bulk of the day and Liz is at work. I'm pretty sure I've hit my stride, but I think things will get a bit more difficult as the fast starts to truly affect my body.
I'm now going to talk about my bowels. We're all friends here, right?
One thing that everyone in Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead had to say about the juice fast and most diets in general is that the first thing you'll notice is your body growing slightly irregular. Even comedian John Pinette says he was in the bathroom within 45 minutes, but this is also the same man who tried to juice a ham on his second day.
I'll spare the more graphic details, but I'll just say my digestive changes have been far less dramatic than I was led to believe. For all intensive purposes, things have been rather calm within my tract, and I don't know if it's because I'm far more "cleansed" than I give myself credit for or if it's because I've been doing juice for breakfast for a bit now. Maybe my body just thinks I'm having breakfast three times a day? I'd like to think my body more intelligent than that!
Judging by what little I know about the human digestive process and how to measure its output, I have a feeling that after today is when the deluge will begin. I think I may have passed what was the last of the solid food I ate through my system with little fanfare, and tomorrow is when they'll start peeling things off the side to send down the chute. The mechanics are a bit fuzzy, but I think it kinda works like a drain pipe. A drain pipe that never gets a break and has to pass things that may not have been intended to go down it. I think I may still be digesting a Jack in the Box chicken sandwich I ate in 1997.
Tomorrow will be the real test, both in my willpower and in the effects of the fast. Chances are that I'll either spend half the day in the bathroom or handcuffed to my couch to keep me from raiding the fridge. And by "couch" I mean my computer and by "handcuffed" I mean playing Guild Wars 2.
The real challenge will be tomorrow, when I am unattended for the bulk of the day and Liz is at work. I'm pretty sure I've hit my stride, but I think things will get a bit more difficult as the fast starts to truly affect my body.
I'm now going to talk about my bowels. We're all friends here, right?
One thing that everyone in Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead had to say about the juice fast and most diets in general is that the first thing you'll notice is your body growing slightly irregular. Even comedian John Pinette says he was in the bathroom within 45 minutes, but this is also the same man who tried to juice a ham on his second day.
I'll spare the more graphic details, but I'll just say my digestive changes have been far less dramatic than I was led to believe. For all intensive purposes, things have been rather calm within my tract, and I don't know if it's because I'm far more "cleansed" than I give myself credit for or if it's because I've been doing juice for breakfast for a bit now. Maybe my body just thinks I'm having breakfast three times a day? I'd like to think my body more intelligent than that!
Judging by what little I know about the human digestive process and how to measure its output, I have a feeling that after today is when the deluge will begin. I think I may have passed what was the last of the solid food I ate through my system with little fanfare, and tomorrow is when they'll start peeling things off the side to send down the chute. The mechanics are a bit fuzzy, but I think it kinda works like a drain pipe. A drain pipe that never gets a break and has to pass things that may not have been intended to go down it. I think I may still be digesting a Jack in the Box chicken sandwich I ate in 1997.
Tomorrow will be the real test, both in my willpower and in the effects of the fast. Chances are that I'll either spend half the day in the bathroom or handcuffed to my couch to keep me from raiding the fridge. And by "couch" I mean my computer and by "handcuffed" I mean playing Guild Wars 2.
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